You may be aware of the danger of carbon monoxide poisoning in the home, but what about radon? This radioactive gas naturally occurs when uranium breaks down in soil or water. It can creep into your home through pipes, cables, and other openings. Here are three reasons a contractor should do a home inspection for radon.
When lung tissue gets scarred or damaged, pulmonary fibrosis may form. Since the normally soft lung tissue becomes thick and hardened, it makes it hard for you to breathe. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, you have an increased risk for this disease after radon exposure.
According to the American Cancer Society, radon is a key cause of lung cancer and can lurk undetected in your home. Signs of this disease include hoarseness, unexplained weight loss, headaches, bone pain, bloody coughs, as well as a lingering cough that won't go away. If you get a home inspection for radon in time, you can ideally prevent this disease or at least catch it in its earlier stages.
Regular pneumonia can occur if you have a serious bout of the flu that worsens. Your lung sacks may become filled with puss or other fluid that you'll cough up through phlegm. However, interstitial pneumonia affects the tissue that surrounds the lungs. This condition can linger chronically over time and not go away as a regular bout of pneumonia can.
Protect your home from a radon leak by having contractors seal and insulate it. You can also install a soil suction radar and detection deduction system that draws the gas from under the house and pushes it outside. According to the EPA, you should do a
home inspection for radon at least every two years. Schedule additional inspections for the gas if you make any major changes to your home, such as efficiency improvements, home additions, or basement finishing.
You can never do too much to protect your health. In addition to your health, you want to protect your home as it's your biggest investment. Protect both with a regular home inspection for radon leaks. Doing so can ensure that your respiratory health remains intact and you can avoid potentially fatal diseases. Contact our team at Diamond Heritage Inspections to schedule an inspection as soon as possible.
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